May 4.
The day after my 22nd birthday. I got myself a haircut and was excited to go to lunch with some old friends. After lunch I headed back to their place. Right when I walked into the apartment, this cutie boy with freckles and big blue eyes walked out of his room. I probably stared at him for way too long, but I couldn't help it. So cute. The cutest. I could immediately tell he was kinda shy so I took it slow. Didn't throw myself at him. Kind of. But we all walked to the park to play ultimate frisbee and I definitely made sure I walked next to him. He was such a gentleman while we played and, luckily, I was having a good fake-like-you're-athletic day.
We decided to officially start dating on June 8th after spending the day at seven peaks, washing Jake's car, and hiking Bonneville Shoreline trail. It was magical, but our butts were hurting from the rock we sat on for so long while Jake worked up the courage to ask me :) Worth it.
Here we are on our second date. Christine and Jordan took us shooting in Payson.
After a few weeks of dating, we planned a trip to Disneyland later that summer. I thought he was a little crazy for committing to 3 months down the road already, but my mom thought he was even crazier. I should have known that was a good sign that he wanted to stick around.
My first time experiencing Disney magic. It changed my life!
We visited the lake house, too! I got to watch Jake water ski (so impressed), meet Jody, Carlton, and Johnny, hang out with Steve (he let me drive the boat!), and even meet Jake's best friend, Bryce.
When we fell in looovey dovey, mushy gushy, love. Since we started dating, we made dinner together every single night. I think I can only remember one time when this didn't happen. In my opinion, we got over the "Why do you cook everything wrong?" stage pretty fast. Fall was no different. Jake worked, I was a slacker student, so we made lots of meals and had tons of quality time together. In September, Jake told me he loved me! Accompanied by beautiful flowers and a sweet letter. I felt so lucky that the sweetest boy in the world thought I was worth loving. Jake also found out that he got into BYU! I knew he would, but it was so exciting to know that our futures would keep us both in Provo so we could be together. As November and December came around, we started talking about marriage.
At one of the 57 wedding receptions we attended last year. My favorite thing to do is dance with my cutie at weddings!
As Jake started school and I started student teaching, our lives became sooo busy. Somehow, making dinner took even longer and by the time we were done with homework, it was way past our bedtime. Luckily we devoted our Saturdays to spending time together. On Sundays, we usually visited my sister and brother-in-law, Cory and Sean, for dinner or games. We were lucky to have them so close by for the past year. One weekend, we went ring shopping and Jake decided on what ring I wanted. He could tell by my reactions, and he was right. On February 17, Jake proposed! I didn't know he had the ring, and he tricked me into thinking we were hanging out with Cory and Sean that night, so it was the perfect surprise. He took me up to the same canyon where we first kissed that past summer and, as the sun was setting over the lake, he told me sweet things, melted my heart, and asked me to marry him! I said yes, of course. How could I turn down the most patient, humble, cutiest boy I've ever known?

June 14, 2014.
We were married in the San Antonio Texas Temple with a reception in Austin. It was the perfect day. Warm, but not too hot, surrounded by friends and family, in the House of the Lord. What more could I ask for? My family put together a beautiful reception and it was so fun to see so many people I have missed from back home! We stayed in Austin a few nights, went on a cruise the next week,and were thrown a gorgeous reception back in Murrieta as well.
Since being back in Provo, there is nothing I love more than when Jake comes home for dinner! We love spending time together, going on walks, making yummy food, and spending time with Jake's brother, Mark, who just moved out here!